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The Wheel of the Year continues to turn, bringing us closer to Lughnasadh, (LOO-nus-uh) also known by its medieval Christian name of Lammas, named in honor of the Celtic God Lugh, which means “light” or “shining.”

Lughnasadh, which falls on August 1st, is the first of the three harvest Sabbats, Mabon and Samhain being the other two, which celebrates the ripening grains and corn.
With the harvest so prevalent, Pagans see the theme of the sacrificed God motif emerge. His death is necessary for rebirth of the land to take place. Called by many names, “Green Man,” “Wicker Man,” “Corn Man” or just the “Spirit of Vegetation,” his essence begins to merge with the harvested crops, a sacrifice that will be realized with the new growth in the spring.

This Sabbat is also known as the celebration of bread. Bread was one of the main staples of our ancestors, the ripening of the grain was the cause for great celebration.
This time of the year finds us with fields to harvest, the first of a bountiful crop that will hold us through the winter months. Even though it is still hot out and we are still in the Summer months, we are reminded that Autumn is very near. Days slowly become shorter.

Look around, you'll see squirrels busily gathering food for the coming winter. It is a time to begin canning produce from the garden, a time to save and preserve, a time to prepare for the long Winter that is ahead of us.

This entry was posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 at Monday, July 28, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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