Goddess of the Day  

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Winterlude (Ottawa, Canada)


Themes: Recreation; Good Sportsmanship

Symbols: Early-blooming flowers; Snow

About Oniata: Oniata, an Iroquois goddess, embodies what it means to be a good sport. According to legend she came to live with the Iroquois, who found her beauty distracting, so much so that men left their families just to catch a glimpse of her radiance. When Oniata found out about this, rather than getting angry with the men, she left the earth. The only trace of her beauty she left behind was the sprouting of spring flowers peeking out from melting snow.

To Do Today: Plant some early blooming seeds today so that when they blossom, Oniata’s good humor and temperament can also bloom in your life.

In Canada, people take this opportunity to enjoy the last remnants of winter by participating in various sporting activities (especially skating) and by making snow sculptures. Try the latter activity yourself, perhaps create a flower out of packed snow to honor and welcome Oniata. If you live in a warm climate, you can blend up some ice cubes to a snowy consistency for sculpting, and make it into a snow cone afterward to internalize the energy! Or, consider going to an ice rink for a little rest and relaxation. Return outside and appreciate any flowers nearby. Oniata lives in their fragrance and loveliness.

This entry was posted on Sunday, February 22, 2009 at Sunday, February 22, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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