Bye Bye Entrecard  

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I have left the Entrecard scene. It was a tough decision - I have met many many awesome bloggers via Entrecard. I have saved those bloggers' blogs in my favorites and will still be dropping by to read and comment.

I left Entrecard for several reasons:

  • First and foremost, it's bad for stats - Yes, I would get a nice amount of visitors some days but most people would just drop their card and move on. This made my bounce rate very high, which of course is not a good thing.
  • It is time consuming - Even with the Entrebar, dropping more than 100 cards can take a while, depending on load time. If I wanted to see any significant traffic, I had to drop at least 50 - 100 cards a day. Also, I was not guaranteed that I'd get a return drop, so some effort was for nothing.
  • It's the same bloggers - If I wanted to be fairly certain that I'd get a return drop then my best bet was to drop on the most popular blogs, which are the same old blogs. Now, don't get offended if you're one of those bloggers - I probably love your blog and have it saved as a favorite but I was seeing the same thing day in and day out and the only way to avoid that was to visit new Entrecard accounts, but then there was no guarantee that they'd reciprocate the drop. What a conundrum.
  • Google doesn't like Entrecard - Google isn't the only one. Those 'drop and run' users are making the whole system turn to crap. Traffic from Entrecard is now being considered fake/false traffic by many. It's true too, I noticed when I didn't have a chance to drop for a few days my traffic would slow down significantly.
I'd rather get traffic the old fashioned way. By networking the right way - visiting blogs that truly interest me and commenting on them when I feel so inclined to do so.

Now, I am not sure about 'Entrecard etiquette' when it comes to canceling an account but I have already sent in feedback to have my account canceled. Not sure how long it takes them to complete the process.
In the meantime, I did what I had to do and that was remove the widget from my blog. If you read any of my other blogs, I will be posting this message on those as well.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 8, 2008 at Saturday, November 08, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I sent in feedback to have my Entrecard account canceled and it ended up being canceled by them for "quality" violations instead. I think they do it that way just to say they have power over you and your blog. But I noticed that my blogs that had Entrecard on them lost their Google ranks and I decided it was time to remove my blogs from Entrecard as well.

November 9, 2008 at 12:59 PM

I know my numbers will go way down when it comes to visits per day but honestly, I was getting tired of spending so much time 'dropping'
Good to see you!

November 9, 2008 at 1:10 PM

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