Still Decorating for the Holiday  


I am FINALLY getting around to decorating for Mabon. I went over to the other house to get all the decorations that had been packed up and stored in the attic. This Mabon wreath is my favorite - I am so happy to see it held up over the years.

I found tools too. Of course that was AFTER I bought some online. Most of the things I got were to hang decorations and pictures, that type of artwork. I looked high and low for a tape measure and was about to just hit up the dollar store for one when I saw that has a carabiner tape measure and they're pretty cool too - I love all the different colors :)

I am still trying to figure out how the heck to fit an entire house into a few rooms but I'm sure I'll manage. This whole situation is extremely sad - mainly because that house was my grandparents' house and it holds so many family memories.

This entry was posted on Friday, October 16, 2015 at Friday, October 16, 2015 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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